Memorial Day weekend kicks off the summer vacation season! If you are planning to head out with your camper, make sure it is properly insured. Your agent will often ask “What is the cost new?” Your agent will also need the year, make, model and VIN as required with any vehicle. If you are not sure you have an adequate value listed to replace your camper, you can research it’s value at Here you will be able to determine the low retail, average retail and suggested list price for your particular camper. A claim adjuster is going to use their own methods for determining value at the time of the claim, but by using this method you can make sure you are not over insuring or under insuring yourself with a better degree of accuracy. To make any claim go smoothly, it’s also recommended to keep on file your receipt of purchase and color photos, one of each side. Knowing you are adequately insured will allow you to rest easy and enjoy your vacation time, no matter what the weather may bring!
Is Your Camper Properly Covered?
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